The peony seed was a new oil resource containing linolenic acid.
互联网These fungi contained 17.73 % ~35.22 % of fat , two strains of which could produce � � - linolenic acid at least.
月见草真菌油脂含量在17.73%~35.22%,部分菌株与宿主相同,可以产稀有的γ - 亚麻酸(γ-linolenicacid,GLA).
互联网Conclusion Linolenic acid is capable of enhancement of mice's immune function.
互联网Pale yellow oily liquid, With linolenic acid - specific odor, Taste of soft.
浅金黄油状流体, 拥有亚麻酸特有的气息, 况味柔和.
互联网Fats in this group contain substantial amounts of linolenic acid.
互联网Standard soybeans contain about 7 % linolenic acid whereas the new varieties contain 1 % or 3 %.
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